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上海海事大学 商船学院,上海 201306
关键词:  高负荷压气机  叶尖小翼  级特性  稳定工作裕度  数值研究
Effects of widest circumferential position of tip winglet on high load compressor stage performance
ZHAO Ao, HU Yi, WU Wanyang, ZHONG Jingjun
Merchant Marine College,Shanghai Maritime University,Shanghai 201306,China
For the tip winglet expansion technology, on the basis of changing the tip winglet width, the numerical calculation method is adopted to consider the effects of the widest circumferential position of tip winglet geometry on high-load compressor stage performance. The research results show that when the width is larger and the widest position of the tip winglet is closer to both ends of the blade, the stable operating margin of the compressor stage is improved more significantly. When the width of tip winglet is double the tip width, and the widest circumferential position of the tip winglet is located at 25% chord length of the rotor leading edge, the tip winglet reduces the tip leakage flow mass flow by 7.66% at most and increases the axial velocity of the fluid in the compressor stage passage. The separation of the rotor blade and stator vane surfaces is suppressed, thus delaying the stall of the compressor stage, and the stable operating margin of the compressor stage increases by 29.18%.
Key words:  High-load compressor  Tip winglet  Stage performance  Stable operating margin  Numerical study