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1.中国民航大学 安全科学与工程学院,天津 300300;2.北京动力机械研究所,北京 100074
关键词:  附面层吸入  非轴对称静子  扩压因子  失速裕度  角区分离
Numerical study on effects of non-axisymmetric stator on fan flow field under boundary layer ingestion
FU Wenguang1, WANG Weijia1, SUN Peng1, WANG Chunxue2, ZHAO Wei2
1.College of Safety Science and Engineering,Civil Aviation University of China,Tianjin 300300,China;2.Beijing Power Machinery Institute,Beijing 100074,China
The boundary layer ingestion leads to serious total pressure and swirl distortion at the aerodynamic interface between the inlet and the fan, thus reducing the efficiency and stability of the fan, which is one of the main problems restricting its application. In order to improve the anti distortion ability of the fan, the fan stator is non- axisymmetrically designed and numerically simulated. The results show that compared with the original fan, the non-axisymmetric stator efficiency increased by 0.31%, the stall margin increased by 50.5%, the internal flow field of the fan is significantly improved, the diffusion factor is reduced, the corner separation range of the suction surface of the vane tip in the distortion zone is obviously cut down, and the flow capacity of the vane channel increases. The non-axisymmetric stator modification scheme changes the vane inlet metal angle and chord in the distortion zone, so that the incidence angle is basically unchanged, the solidity increases, and the airflow is not easily separated on the suction surface, thereby reducing the corner separation range, the dynamics loss is reduced, and the performance of the fan is improved.
Key words:  Boundary layer ingestion  Non-axisymmetric stator  Diffusion factor  Stall margin  Corner separation