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1.西北工业大学 动力与能源学院,陕西 西安 710072;2.中国航空工业空气动力研究院,黑龙江 哈尔滨 150001
关键词:  耦合设计  涵道风扇  设计方法  风扇叶片  喷管
Components coupling design method and preliminary application of ducted fan
WANG Siwei1, WANG Yangang1, CHEN Yanjun1, LIU Hanru1, HE Runsheng2
1.School of Power and Energy,Northwestern Polytechnical University,Xi’an 710072,China;2.AVIC Aerodynamics Research Institute,Harbin 150001,China
Ducted fan is an important development direction of green aviation power in the future. A fast and accurate design method of ducted fan has become an urgent need in the engineering. The coupling effect in the traditional design method of ducted fan needs to be based on perfect three-dimensional numerical calculation or experiment data. A design method that considering the coupling effect of the ducted fan essential components is developed, an integrated design method is formed, and the integrated design and verification is carried out. The results show that the blade thrust design error is reduced from 15% to 3.5% by the coupling design method, comparing with the simple superposition design method. The thrust design error of the rotor blades and stator vanes with expanding nozzle and equal diameter nozzle designed by the component coupling method meets the engineering requirements, and it is confirmed that the component coupling design method correctly transmits the influence relationship between components. Thrust of design result was verified by experiment. The total thrust error between the test results and the design point is 1.25%, which is proved that the coupling design method developed in this paper is true.
Key words:  Coupling design  Ducted fan  Design method  Fan blade  Nozzle