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1.浙江科技学院 能源与环境系统工程系,浙江 杭州 310023;2.西北工业大学 动力与能源学院,陕西 西安 710072;3.西北工业大学 陕西省航空动力系统热科学重点实验室,陕西 西安 710129
针对旋转爆震发动机(Rotating Detonation Engine,RDE)燃烧室简化二维流场,采用流场分区,建立了一种适用于RDE工作特性的性能分析模型,可快速准确地估算RDE的推进性能。模型考虑了燃烧室内气流膨胀过程中的气流角度匹配,可准确描述存在单个爆震波时的基本流场结构特征,包括爆震波倾斜角度、斜激波角度、滑移线角度等,结果与已有文献的研究结果一致性较高。根据模型流场中所取控制体的进出口参数,可得理想膨胀状态下RDE的推进性能,估算结果与已有性能估算模型吻合较好,与已有实验数值偏差为8%。经验证推导,模型亦可用于多波模态。采用该性能分析模型对比研究了不同反应物当量比、进气总压和总温下火箭式RDE的推进性能。研究表明,性能分析模型可准确反映RDE燃烧室的非稳态流场特征,且可快速准确地估算RDE的推进性能,为RDE推进性能的评估提供了简便可靠的方法。
关键词:  旋转爆震发动机  性能分析模型  流场结构  理想膨胀  推进性能
Propulsive performance analysis of rotating detonation rocket engine
ZHU Yiyuan1, WANG Ke2,3, FAN Wei2
1.Department of Energy and Environment System Engineering,Zhejiang University of Science and Technology, Hangzhou 310023,China;2.School of Power and Energy,Northwestern Polytechnical University,Xi’an 710072,China;3.Shaanxi Key Laboratory of Thermal Sciences in Aeroengine System,Northwestern Polytechnical University, Xi’an 710129,China
In order to analyze the propulsive performance of the rotating detonation engine (RDE), a performance analysis model has been developed and established for the operating characteristics according to the simplified two-dimensional flowfield. The model can describe the flowfield structure in the combustion chamber including the inclined angle of detonation wave, the angle of oblique shock wave and the angle of slip line for the single wave mode, which takes into account the flow angle matching during the expansion process in the combustion chamber. The results of the flowfield structure are consistent with previous studies. Based on the inlet and outlet parameters of the control volume extracted in the flowfield, the propulsive performances of RDE under the ideal expansion state can be obtained directly. The results of the propulsive performance are in good agreement with the estimations of previous models and the deviation to the existing experimental results is 8%. Furthermore, it is confirmed that this model can be used for the multi-wave modes as well. The propulsive performances of the rocket RDE under different equivalence ratios, the inlet total pressures, and total temperatures are estimated utilizing this model. The study shows that the current model is able to reveal the characteristics of the unsteady flowfield in the RDE chamber, which provides an effective way to estimate the RDE propulsive performance quickly and reliably.
Key words:  Rotating detonation engine  Performance analysis model  Flowfield structure  Ideal expansion  Propulsive performance