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1.西北工业大学 动力与能源学院,陕西 西安 710129;2.中国航发四川燃气涡轮研究院,四川 成都 610500
关键词:  高速轴承  环下润滑  径向油孔  油气两相流  流体黏性摩擦
Effects of radial oil hole structure on internal flow characteristics of high-speed bearings with under-race lubrication
ZHU Pengfei1, JIANG Le1,2, LYU Yaguo1, GONG Ping1, LIU Zhenxia1
1.School of Power and Energy,Northwestern Polytechnical University,Xi’an 710129,China;2.AECC Sichuan Gas Turbine Establishment,Chengdu 610500,China
To study the effects of radial oil hole structure on the internal flow characteristics of high-speed bearings with under-race lubrication, a numerical calculation method is established according to the internal flow characteristics of high-speed bearings. The oil-gas two-phase flow calculation is carried out for physical simulation models including oil passages, radial oil holes and bearing assemblies. The oil and gas distribution and viscous friction loss inside the bearing under different radial oil hole structures are compared and discussed. The numerical simulation results show that the average oil volume fraction inside the bearing increases monotonically and the oil distribution is more uniform when the radial oil hole diameter increases. The arrangement of radial oil holes on the same side of the circumferential oil groove is conducive to improving the average oil volume fraction inside the bearing, and the uniformity of the circumferential oil distribution is better. The surface spread parameters of bearing assembly are affected by the radial oil hole structure, and its variation trend is similar to that of the average oil volume fraction. The viscous friction loss predicted by the empirical formula is generally high, and the empirical formula cannot reflect the effects of the radial oil hole structure parameters. The viscous friction loss calculated by the combination of numerical simulation and empirical formula is in good agreement with the results obtained directly by numerical simulation.
Key words:  High-speed bearing  Under-race lubrication  Radial oil hole  Oil-gas two-phase flow  Fluid viscous friction