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中国民航大学 航空工程学院,天津 300300
关键词:  航空发动机  性能退化  工况修正  非线性维纳  局部线性嵌入算法
Prediction of aero engine performance degradation considering takeoff condition
ZHAO Hongli, XU Bowen, ZHANG Qing
College of Aeronautical Engineering,Civil Aviation University of China,Tianjin 300300,China
With regard to the problem that the current study of aero-engine performance degradation modeling does not take into account the takeoff condition influence, a modified nonlinear Wiener process for engine performance degradation modeling was proposed. This method combined the historical performance degradation data of the same engine type with the real-time degradation and operational condition data of individual engines. Firstly, regarding the different take-off condition for each takeoff, a nonlinear Wiener process with takeoff condition modification was used to establish the engine performance degradation model. Then, the off-line estimation of the degradation model was obtained by utilizing the maximum likelihood estimation. The degradation parameters were updated online based on Bayesian theory. Lastly, based on the locally linear embedding algorithm, the fusion of operating conditions parameters was used to construct the fused operating condition factor, which was used to modify the degradation parameters, and the individual engine performance degradation prediction under different takeoff conditions was achieved. The results show that the mean absolute percentage errors of the model corrected with fused condition factor are reduced by 1.50% and 1.01% respectively compared with the uncorrected model and the model corrected only with engine pressure ratio. It proves that the proposed model can reduce the prediction error caused by the variation of engine takeoff conditions, or the model corrected only by a single operational condition parameter, and it can be used to assist in guiding the determination of engine removal.
Key words:  Aero-engine  Performance degradation  Working condition correction  Nonlinear Wiener  Locally linear embedding algorithm