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1.辽宁石油化工大学 机械工程学院,辽宁 抚顺 113001;2.辽宁石油化工大学 石油天然气工程学院,辽宁 抚顺 113001
关键词:  航空发动机  超临界流体  U形管  迪恩涡  空气预冷系统
Mechanism Analysis of Abnormal Heat Transfer Behavior of Supercritical Methane in a U-Tube
SU Shi-yu1,2, JIANG Wen-quan1, LI Lin1, YANG Fan2, SHI Jie-feng2, LI Yang2
1.College of Mechanical Engineering,Liaoning Petrochemical University,Fushun 113001,China;2.College of Petroleum Engineering,Liaoning Petrochemical University,Fushun 113001,China
Aiming at the abnormal heat transfer of supercritical fluid in U-shaped tube of air pre-cooling system of aircraft engine, the heat transfer behaviour in U-shaped tube of supercritical pressure methane was numerically studied. The effects of heat flow density, mass flow rate and operating pressure on heat transfer were discussed, based on the change of temperature, velocity, flow state and dimensionless number in supercritical methane tube, the mechanism of abnormal heat transfer of supercritical methane in U-shaped tube is expounded. The results show that the natural convection caused by buoyancy is the main reason for the deterioration of heat transfer in the rising straight pipe section at a high heat flux (95kW·m-2). The increase of operating pressure inhibits the change of physical properties and promotes the deterioration of heat transfer return to the normal heat transfer direction. The secondary flow in the elbow section transforms the mixed convection into forced convection, Dean vortex formed by secondary flow improves the non-uniformity of radial temperature distribution, the heat transfer in the elbow section and its subsequent straight pipe section is enhanced, and the heat transfer enhancement effect is most significant at the top of the elbow.
Key words:  Aero engine  Supercritical fluid  U-tube  Dean vortex  Air precooler