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西北工业大学 动力与能源学院 陕西省航空发动机内流动力学重点实验室,陕西 西安 710129
关键词:  航空发动机  数字工程模型  内嵌物理约束神经网络  性能参数预估  特征处理
An Aeroengine Digital Engineering Model Based on Physics-Embedded Neural Networks
LIN Zhi-fu, XIAO Hong, WANG Zhan-xue, ZHANG Xiao-bo
Shaanxi Key Laboratory of Internal Aerodynamics in Aero-Engine,School of Power and Energy, Northwestern Polytechnical University,Xi’an 710129,China
A digital model-based prognostics and health management (PHM) system is crucial for digitalization, intelligence in aeroengine. Among all digital models, an aeroengine performance digital model is one of the basic modules for PHM system, which is used for condition monitoring and performance prediction on aeroengine. In this work, a strategy for creating a performance digital model to predict aeroengine thrust is given. The strategy is to combine aeroengine domain knowledge and artificial neural networks, which is to create an architecture for tailoring the neural network model with physical information. More, the given model is designed to address feature selection. The application of the given model to aeroengine thrust prediction demonstrates its effectiveness in accuracy with the different testing datasets. Compared with the conventional neural network, the average relative error of the architecture-based model is small, and the max relative error of the architecture-based model is only 1/4 of it under the same model size. With physical constraint, the model is less reliant on training data, and the number of layers and the hyperparameters in the neural networks model are intervened.
Key words:  Aeroengine  Digital engineering model  Physics-embedded neural network  Performance parameter prediction  Feature processing