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中国航发商用航空发动机有限责任公司,上海 200241
关键词:  涡扇发动机  整机试验  高压压气机  进口流量  计算
Approachfor Computing Mass Flow Rate of High Pressure Compressor in Turbofan Engine Test
JIANG Yi-xuan, CAO Chuan-jun
AECC Commercial Aircraft Engine Co.,Ltd.,Shanghai 200241,China
Proposed an approach for obtaining high pressure compressor (HPC) inlet mass flow rate in a turbofan engine test. Firstly, data of HPC rig tests is accumulated to illustrate which pattern the HPC mass flow rate is influenced by rotational speed, pressure ratio, variable stator vanes (VSV) angle, and inter-stage bleeding. Secondly, based on the pattern acquired above, the HPC mass flow rate in core engine tests is modified to get the “rotational speed-mass flow rate baseline data”, which is accord with the design objective. Lastly, the HPC massflow rate under actual working condition of a whole engine test is calculated by modifying the “rotational speed-mass flow rate baseline data”, based on the deviation from design objective of the influence factors. This approach has been verified by HPC rig tests and core engine tests of a certain high bypass ratio turbofan engine. The deviation of calculated mass flow rate is less than 0.5%.It can effectively support whole engine tests and the evaluation of engine performance.
Key words:  Turbofan engine  Whole engine test  High pressure compressor  Inlet mass flow  Computation