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南京理工大学 瞬态物理重点实验室,江苏 南京 210094
关键词:  旋转爆轰燃烧室  热环境  热流密度  换热系数  共轭传热模拟
Numerical Investigation on Heat Transfer Characteristics of a Rotating Detonation Combustor Wall
QIU Yan-ming, WU Yu-wen, KANG Chao-hui, LEI Te, LI Qun, XU Gao, WENG Chun-sheng
National Key Laboratory of Transient Physics,Nanjing University of Science and Technology,Nanjing 210094,China
In purpose to refine the heat transfer characteristics on the wall of rotating detonation combustor (RDC), the 3D conjugate heat transfer simulation of H2/Air RDC was processed and the model of combustor with shell was established.The unsteady RANS equation was solved on density basis, and the standard k-ε turbulence model was adopted, while energy equation and interface boundary condition of fluid-solid interface were used to achieve coupling heat transfer calculation. The unsteady flow field and wall heat transfer characteristics of RDC influenced by steady detonation wave were discussed. The result indicates that the temperature rise in the flow field is essentially caused by chemical reaction and fluid compression.Annular high-temperature zone persistently exists on the head of the combustor wall. Temperature rises and then decreases along theaxial direction, which peaks at the height of detonation wave. Heat flux distribution is slightly different from the temperature distribution, which peaks at the head and decrease along the axis. Except at the head, wall heat transfer coefficient decreases along the axial direction, which further indicates that heat flux is affected by the internal pressure of RDC. Under premixed conditions, when the equivalent ratio is near 1.0 or the mass flow rate is large, the wall temperature is higher and more concentrated in the head, the axial depth of the heat flux area is shorter, and the critical heat flux is higher.
Key words:  Rotating detonation combustor  Heat environment  Heat flux  Heat transfer coefficient  Conjugate heat transfer simulation