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1.南京理工大学 机械工程学院,江苏 南京 210094;2.西安航天动力研究所,陕西 西安 710100;3.中国航空发动机研究院,北京 101399
为研究旋转爆轰燃烧室出口流场对涡轮气动性能的影响,基于指数函数的非线性特征简化了燃烧室出口的流场分布,采用求解三维SST k-ω湍流模型的方法对涡轮全流场开展数值计算。讨论了不同来流脉动特性对叶栅瞬态流场的作用机制,分析了涡轮叶片对燃烧室出口压力振荡峰值的抑制作用,并在此基础上探究了不同工况下涡轮流动特性的变化。计算结果表明:脉动来流使涡轮瞬时流场呈现复杂的周期性变化;单级轴流式涡轮使得压力振荡峰值最高降低73.49%,其中静子叶栅对双波模态下压力峰值的抑制效果最优,最多可降低49.9%,转子叶栅对压力峰值的二次抑制具有补偿效应,压力峰值平均减小46.95%;涡轮虽然会增强来流的总压脉动特性,但本身具有一定自适应能力,此外总压脉动与流动均匀性有较为密切的关系。
关键词:  旋转爆轰燃烧室  涡轮匹配  边界简化  脉动来流  气动性能
Numerical Study on Aerodynamic Performance of Turbine for Rotating Detonation Combustor
MENG Bo-wei1, YANG Bo2, ZHANG Cui-zhen3, WANG Feng-ming3, MA Hu1, XIA Zhen-juan1, ZHOU Chang-sheng1
1.School of Mechanical Engineering,Nanjing University of Science and Technology,Nanjing 210094,China;2.Xi’an Aerospace Power Research Institute,Xi’an 710100,China;3.China Aero Engine Research Institute,Beijing 101399,China
To study the effects of exit flow field of rotating detonation combustor on aerodynamic performance of the turbine, the flow field distribution at the outlet of combustor was simplified based on the nonlinear characteristics of exponential function. The three-dimensional SST k-ω turbulence model was used for the full flow field simulation of the turbine. Firstly, the action mechanism of different inflow pulsation characteristics on cascade transient flow field was discussed. Secondly, the suppression effect of turbine blades on peak pressure oscillation at combustor outlet was analyzed. Finally, on the basis of the above, the changes of the turbine flow characteristics under the different working conditions were explored. The results show that the pulsating incoming flow makes the instantaneous flow field of the turbine present complex periodic changes. The pressure oscillation peak of the single-stage axial flow turbine is reduced by 73.49% at most. It is noteworthy that the stator cascade has the best suppression effect on the pressure peak under the double-wave mode, which can be reduced by 49.9% at most. And the rotor cascade has a compensation effect on the secondary suppression of the pressure peak, and the pressure peak is reduced by 46.95% on average. Although the turbine can enhance the total pressure pulsation characteristics of the incoming flow, it has a certain self-adaptive ability. In addition, the total pressure pulsation is closely related to the flow uniformity.
Key words:  Rotating detonation combustor  Turbine matching  Boundary simplification  Pulsating incoming flow  Aerodynamic performance