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西北工业大学 动力与能源学院,陕西 西安 710129
关键词:  垂直/短距起降  S弯D形喷管  参数化设计  气动特性  矢量角
Parametric Design and Aerodynamic Characteristics of Serpentine D-Shaped Vectoring Nozzle
WANG Xu-fei, YANG Qing-zhen, HE Yu-bo, XIANG Hui-min, ZHANG Sai-le
School of Power and Energy,Northwestern Polytechnical University,Xi’an 710129,China
A parametric design method of serpentine D-shaped nozzle based on curvature control method is proposed to meet the requirements of vertical / short takeoff and landing capability for fighters. The serpentine D-shaped nozzle with large angle deflection of D-shaped outlet is designed parametrically. The flow phenomenon and mechanism of the nozzle are simulated by CFD method, and then the aerodynamic characteristics of the nozzle under different nozzle pressure ratio, deflection angle and design parameters are compared and analyzed. The calculation results show that under the condition of no deflection, as the nozzle pressure ratio π increases from 1.5 to 3.5, the nozzle discharge coefficient first increases and then becomes stable, and reaches the maximum value when π=2.5, while the thrust coefficient first increases and then decreases. And the thrust direction produces a certain lifting torque for the aircraft. When the nozzle pressure ratio is constant, as the deflection angle increases from 0° to 90°, the nozzle discharge coefficient and thrust coefficient decrease, and the leading vector angle increases from negative value to about +6°. In the design parameters, the reserved deflection angle has great influence on the aerodynamic performance of the nozzle, while the control coefficient of the serpentine centerline has a little influence on the aerodynamic performance. The serpentine D-shaped nozzle proposed in this paper has good aerodynamic performance. The variation trend of vector angle is relatively consistent under small deflection angle. Thus the nozzle can be used to adjust the jet vector direction of the engine by deflecting the outlet section at large deflection angles.
Key words:  Vertical/Short takeoff and landing  Serpentine D-shaped nozzle  Parametric design  Aerodynamic characteristics  Vector angle