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天津大学 化工学院 先进燃料与化学推进剂教育部重点实验室,天津 300072
关键词:  纳米流体型燃料  含能颗粒  燃烧特性  凝胶化  综述
Research Progress of Energetic Nanofluid Fuel
PAN Lun, LI Huai-yu, XUE Kang, ZHANG Xiang-wen, ZOU Ji-jun
Key Laboratory for Advanced Fuel and Propellant of Ministry of Education,School of Chemical Engineering and Technology,Tianjin University,Tianjin 300072,China
Energetic nanofluid fuel, prepared by uniformly adding energetic nanoparticles to liquid fuel, possesses high density and high volumetric calorific value, which is an important research aspect of high-energy-density fuel. This review summarized the solid, liquid, and gas phase preparation strategies of energetic nanoparticles and the one-step and two-step methods to prepare nanofluid fuels. The principle of stabilizing solid-liquid two-phase nanofluid by the synergistic effect of van der Waals force, steric hindrance, electrostatic repulsion and solvation repulsion was expounded. Subsequently, the evaluation methods of nanofluid fuel stability were introduced, including sedimentation and centrifugation, particle size observation, spectral absorption, etc., and the methods to improve fuel stability, including surfactant addition, nanoparticle surface modification, etc. Then, the mechanism of improving fuel stability and combustion characteristics by nanoparticle surface modification was analyzed, and the mechanism of energetic nanoparticles increasing fuel energy density and combustion rate and shortening ignition delay time was revealed. After that, the research progress of the gelled energetic nanofluid fuels was summarized, which is an effective method to solve the deposition problem of energetic nanofluid fuel by realizing fuel storage in the gel state, transport and atomization in the liquid phase after thinning by shearing or heating. Finally, the future perspectives of research on nanofluid fuel were emphasized, such as the synthesis of new-type liquid basic fuel, the exploitation of small molecular weight gel agents, and the development of low-cost large-scale preparation processes.
Key words:  Nanofluid fuel  Energetic particle  Combustion characteristics  Gelation  Review