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1.南京理工大学 机械工程学院,江苏 南京 210094;2.火箭军研究院,北京 100089;3.北京航天发射技术研究所,北京 100076
关键词:  复合材料  多胞结构  粘接条件  准静态压缩试验  破坏模式  吸能特性
Effects of Adhesion Conditions on Energy Dissipation Characteristics of Carbon Fiber Reinforced Composite Quadrilateral Multi-Cell Structures
ZHANG Qi1, ZHANG Zhen-dong1, REN Jie1, GAO Yuan2, WANG Xi3
1.School of Mechanical Engineering,Nanjing University of Science and Technology,Nanjing 210094,China;2.Rocket Army Academy,Beijing 100089,China;3.Beijing Institute of Space Launching Technology,Beijing 100076,China
In order to study the effects of adhesion conditions between cells of multi-cell structures on the energy absorption characteristics of structure, carbon fiber reinforced epoxy resin composite square tubes are bonded together with epoxy resin adhesive under different adhesion conditions to form multi-cell structures. The quasi-static compression tests are carried out, and the compression failure mode and energy absorption characteristics of multi-cell structures under different adhesion conditions are analyzed. The results show that the energy absorption characteristics of multi-cell structures can be improved by using side adhesion or bottom adhesion between cells. The effects of bottom adhesion on the energy absorption and compressive load of multi-cell structures are greater than those of side adhesion. The average compressive load, energy absorption and specific energy absorption of full adhesion specimens are the largest. For tri-cellular structure, the energy absorption characteristics of 品-shaped tri-cellular structures are better than those of L-shaped tri-cellular structure.
Key words:  Composite matericals  Multi-cell structure  Adhesion conditions  Quasi-static compression test  Failure mode  Energy absorption characteristics