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湖北工业大学 机械工程学院 湖北省现代制造质量实验室,湖北 武汉 430068
关键词:  飞机发动机  卷积神经网络  时序卷积神经网络  多头注意力机制  剩余寿命
Remaining Useful Life Prediction of Aeroengine Based on Multi-Head Attention
NIE Lei, XU Shi-yi, ZHANG Lyu-fan, YIN Ye-han, DONG Zheng-qiong, ZHOU Xiang-dong
Hubei Modern Manufacturing Quality Laboratory,School of Mechanical Engineering, Hubei University of Technology,Wuhan 430068,China
Aiming at the problems of multiple parameters of aeroengine and insufficient extraction of effective information from monitoring data by prediction model, this paper proposes a new network structure based on one-dimensional convolutional network (1DCNN), temporal convolutional network (TCN) and multi-head attention mechanism to accurately predict the remaining life of aircraft engines. Firstly, 1DCNN-TCN models are established for multi-dimensional characteristic parameters, two-layer 1DCNN was used to extract features from multi-source sensor signals of aircraft engines, and TCN was used to memorize timing information of features. Finally, multiple 1DCNN-TCN outputs are weighted by multi-head attention, and the final results are spliced. The experimental results show that the proposed method can reduce the RMSE and Score by 6.84% and 63.41% respectively on the basis of the existing model, which significantly improves the accuracy of aircraft engine remaining life prediction.
Key words:  Aeroengine  Convolutional network  Temporal convolutional network  Multi-head attention  Remaining useful life