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1.北京航空航天大学 能源与动力工程学院,北京 102206;2.北京工业大学 理学部,北京 100124
关键词:  压气机  非同步振动  气动布局优化  流固双向耦合  导叶偏转角  栅距非谐
Non-Synchronous Vibration Mechanism and Aerodynamic Layout Optimization of Compressor Blades
HUANG Yu-wei1, HOU An-ping1, WU Jie1, ZHANG Ming-ming2, HAN Ya-dong1
1.School of Energy and Power Engineering,Beihang University,Beijing 102206,China;2.Faculty of Science,Beijing University of Technology,Beijing 100124,China
Aiming at approaching the fracture failure of blades induced by non-synchronous vibration (NSV) in aeroengine, a fluid-structure interaction model of the whole domain of the compressor was established based on the time domain propulsion method. The purpose is to describe the circumferential unsteady turbulence and blade aeroelastic characteristics reasonably. Through this model, the mechanism of NSV was revealed, and the aerodynamic force on the blade surface and vibration amplitude were optimized by certain aerodynamic layout. Results show that the channel separation vortex formed by the mixing of tip leakage flow and mainstream is the fundamental reason for the NSV, but the significant separation vortex only occurs when the circumferential propagation intensity of mixed flow is moderate. In addition, the normalized circumferential momentum (Wmix) in front of the channel is taken as the basis to judge the strength of the channel vortex and vibration amplitude. With the increase of guide vane deflection angle or blade spacing mistuning degree, the Wmix will also increase to a certain extent, which makes the channel vortex intensity and the NSV amplitude increase to a peak and then decrease.
Key words:  Compressor  Non-synchronous vibration  Aerodynamic layout optimization  Two-way fluid-structure interaction  Deflection angle of guide vane  Blade spacing mistuning