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1.中国科学院工程热物理研究所,北京 100191;2.中国科学院大学 工程科学学院,北京 100049;3.国家能源大规模物理储能技术(毕节)研发中心,贵州 毕节 551712;4.中国科学院工程热物理研究所 南京未来能源系统研究院,江苏 南京 211135
关键词:  综述  局部进气涡轮  损失预测模型  涡轮性能  优化设计
Review on Research Progress of Partial Admission Turbine
GUAN Yin1,2, WANG Xing1, LI Wen1,2, LI Yi-ran1,2, ZHU Yang-li3, CHEN Hai-sheng1,2,3,4
1.Institute of Engineering Thermophysics,Chinese Academy of Sciences,Beijing 100191,China;2.School of Engineering Science,University of Chinese Academy of Sciences,Beijing 100049,China;3.National Energy Large Scale Physical Energy Storage Technologies R&D Center (Bijie),Bijie 551712,China;4.Nanjing Institute of Future Energy System,Institute of Engineering Thermophysics, Chinese Academy of Sciences,Nanjing 211135,China
Turbine is one of the important components in the industrial field. With the diversification of application requirements, the operation range of turbine becomes wider, and partial admission technology is one of the key means to achieve efficient operation under multiple working conditions. However, partial admission will bring strong inhomogeneity of flow field and unsteadiness of force, which increases the difficulty of turbine design and machining. Firstly, this paper summarizes the application characteristics of partial admission turbine in different fields. Secondly, the loss mechanism and performance influencing factors of partial admission turbine are analyzed, the prediction model precision of different partial admission turbine is compared, the optimization design method and performance improvement effect of partial admission turbine are summarized, the shortcomings of current research on partial admission turbine are analyzed. Finally, the development trend of partial admission turbine is prospected, which provides the direction for the performance improvement of partial admission turbine in the next step.
Key words:  Review  Partial admission turbine  Loss prediction model  Turbine performance  Optimization design