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中国空气动力研究与发展中心 空天技术研究所,四川 绵阳 621000
关键词:  圆盘燃烧室  旋转爆震波  隔离段  数值计算  纹影
Interaction Between Detonation Wave and Incoming Flow Based on Disc-Shaped Combustor
CAI Jian-hua, WANG Chao, ZHENG Yu-shan, LIU Yu
Aerospace Technology Institute,China Aerodynamics Research and Development Center, Mianyang 621000,China
Aiming at the difficulty of optical observation in a traditional annular isolator of rotating detonation engine, a disc-shaped rotating detonation combustor was proposed to realize the flow field observation in isolator. Based on numerical calculation and optical observation test, the typical interaction phenomenon of detonation wave and incoming flow in the disc-shaped combustor was studied, and the influences of different factors were analyzed. It is found that the oblique shock induced by rotating backpressure becomes weakened gradually in the process of propagating upstream. The forward distance of detonation backpressure increases first and then decreases with the increase of circumferential angle. Increasing the inlet total pressure, reducing the outlet Mach number, and increasing the propagation speed of detonation wave will help to reduce the interaction strength between detonation wave and incoming flow, and improve the performance of isolator. The flow phenomenon observed during the test is qualitatively consistent with the numerical calculation, which provides an effective experimental observation method for the study of the interaction between detonation wave and incoming flow.
Key words:  Disc-shaped combustor  Rotating detonation wave  Isolator  Numerical simulation  Schlieren