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1.清华大学 航空发动机研究院,北京 100084;2.中国航发商用航空发动机有限责任公司,上海 200241
关键词:  并联混合动力系统  涡扇发动机  热力循环  稳态特性  数值模拟
Thermodynamic Cycle and Performance of Parallel Hybrid Turbofan Engine
LIU Guang-bi1, WANG Bu-yu1, WANG Xiang-yang1, SHE Yun-feng2, XING Yao-ren2, SHUAI Shi-jin1
1.Institute for Aero Engine,Tsinghua University,Beijing 100084,China;2.AECC Commercial Aircraft Engine Co.,Ltd,Shanghai 200241,China
In order to determine the efficiency of energy utilization and the variation rule of steady-state performance for a parallel hybrid turbofan engine by introducing different amounts of electric power, the source of effective cycle work was analyzed in theory and the efficiency of fuel and electric power were defined respectively. Based on the CFM56-7B26 turbofan engine, a parallel hybrid turbofan engine model was developed using PROOSIS, and the steady-state engine performance at different degrees of hybridization was studied. It is found that the type of core thermodynamic cycle in parallel hybrid turbofan engines is still a real Brayton cycle. The contribution of electric power to the bypass thrust is much greater than that to the core thrust. And the efficiency of electric power is much higher than that of fuel, which is the key factor to save energy for a parallel hybrid turbofan engine. As the degree of hybridization increases, the bypass ratio increases but the turbine inlet temperature and overall pressure ratio decrease. The steady-state operating states of different components are affected with the movement of the steady-state operating point and lead to a possible drop in the efficiency. Because of the electric power supply and its high efficiency, both the fuel and energy consumption of the parallel hybrid turbofan engine are lower than the conventional turbofan engine.
Key words:  Parallel hybrid propulsion system  Turbofan engine  Thermodynamic cycle  Steady-state performance  Numerical simulation