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沈阳飞机设计研究所 扬州协同创新研究院有限公司,江苏 扬州 225000
关键词:  涡轮发动机  吸波导流环  一体化结构  气动  隐身  雷达散射面积
Integrated Design Method of Aerodynamic and Stealth Performance for Inlet Guide Vane and Wave Absorbing Deflector Ring
YIN Chao, LUO Yu, LI Xian-kai, WANG Hao
Yangzhou Collaborative Innovation Research Institute Co.,Ltd.,Shenyang Aircraft Design Institute, Yangzhou 225000,China
Integrated design method of inlet guide vane and wave absorbing deflector ring considering stealth performance of turbine engine was proposed. Fundamental design parameters of wave absorbing deflector ring were described. The deflector struts in turbine engine was replaced with integrated structure of inlet guide vane and wave absorbing deflector ring. Aerodynamic and stealth performance of both kinds of structure was computed and analyzed. Results show that the radar cross section(RCS) of the integrated structure of inlet guide vane and wave absorbing deflector ring was decreased by 1.55dB in P Band, 2.70dB in L Band and 10.23dB in X Band, compared to the prototype strut. As to the aerodynamic performance, the equivalent mass flow was decreased by 1.7%~1.8%, and the total pressure recovery coefficient was decreased by 0.04%~0.1%, at the same total pressure ratio, while the total pressure distortion was decreased by 0.2% at the outlet of the inlet. The stealth performance of the intake system could be improved significantly, while the aerodynamic performance might be influenced slightly, by adopting the integrated structure of inlet guide vane and wave absorbing deflector ring.
Key words:  Turbine engine  Wave absorbing deflector ring  Integrated structure  Aerodynamic  Stealth  Radar cross section