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1.上海空间推进研究所,上海 201112;2.上海空间发动机工程技术研究中心,上海 201112
关键词:  空间站  核心舱  俯仰机组  热设计  验证
Thermal Design and Flight Verification of Pitching Unit in Core Cabin of Space Station
CHEN Yang-chun1,2, YE Sheng1,2, DING Wei-hua1,2, TANG Jian-hua1,2
1.Shanghai Institute of Space Propulsion,Shanghai 201112,China;2.Shanghai Engineering Research Center of Space Engine,Shanghai 201112,China
In order to verify that the thermal control design of the pitching unit in the core cabin can meet the requirements of the temperature under any working condition during the mission of the space station, I-DEAS/TMG software is used to determine the heating power and passive thermal control measures required by the pitching unit, and the maximum temperature under extreme high temperature conditions is predicted. The on-orbit flight shows that: (1) The flight temperature of the pitching unit verifies the correctness of the theoretical calculation, and the deviation between them is about 3.2%,which provides a guarantee for the successful completion of follow-up on orbit tasks. (2) The larger the area of nozzles exposed to the sun, the higher the temperature of the heads and solenoid valves. When the solar angle is 60°, the illuminated area of the nozzle is the largest. (3) Under low temperature conditions, the temperature of unit head with propellant flow and solenoid valve is higher than 8℃,which meets the index requirement higher than 0℃. (4) The inertial flight attitude belongs to high temperature condition for the pitching unit of the core cabin. Different from the passive thermal control design of the previous spacecraft series pitching units, the passive thermal control design of the pitching unit in the core cabin ensures that the temperature of the solenoid valve is lower than 40℃, which provides guarantee for the reliable operation of the solenoid valve within the appropriate temperature range.
Key words:  Space station  Core cabin  Pitching unit  Thermal design  Verification