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1.北京航空航天大学 能源与动力工程学院 航空发动机气动热力国防重点实验室,北京 100191;2.北京动力机械研究所,北京 100074
关键词:  三旋流  预燃级  喷雾特性  近场区  液滴尺寸关系式
Experimental Investigation on Spray Characteristic of Pilot Stage in Triple Swirling Atomizer
XIE Yu1, HE Wu1,2, GUO Zhi-hui1
1.National Defense Key Laboratory of Aero-Engine on Aerothermodynamic,School of Energy and Power Engineering, Beihang University,Beijing 100191,China;2.Beijing Power Machinery Institute,Beijing 100074,China
To investigate the spray characteristics of pilot stage in triple swirling staged combustor in depth, using kerosene, atomization characteristics of pilot stage in a triple swirling atomizer were experimentally investigated which is near the lean blowout condition. The whole spray field and near field region spray in the downstream of atomizer were investigated and analyzed by using phase Doppler anemometry. The result indicates that the downstream spray field mainly includes central toroidal recirculation zone, high-speed zone and spray edge zone, but there exists a step low-speed zone in the high-speed zone at X=10mm section. The spray structure gradually changes from a hollow-conical structure to full cone-type. Along axial the linear averaged Sauter mean diameter SMDˉ increases, and the airflow pressure drop has a major impact on mean droplet size. The atomization processes in the atomizer accord with hybrid airblast atomization. At the near field region of X=10mm section, the droplet axial velocity is basically independent with the droplet size in radially, while the correlation between droplet radial velocity and droplet size is related to the radially position. Revising the previously proposed empirical prediction formula, a droplet size correlation applicable to this atomizer is obtained. In addition, the first and second swirling airflow are the dominant factor of mean droplet size in the near field region when the pressure drop of airflow is 4kPa, the third swirling airflow could be ignored.
Key words:  Triple swirling  Pilot stage  Spray characteristic  Near field region  Droplet size correlation