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1.天津大学 机械工程学院,天津 300350;2.中国科学院工程热物理研究所,北京 100190
关键词:  航空发动机  轴流压气机  旋转失速  流动失稳  扰动  时延互相关分析
Early Stall Characteristics Analysis Method for Low-Speed Compressor Based on Phase Metric
WANG Ying1, LIU Zheng-xian1, LI Xiao-jian1, LIU Yang2, LI Ji-chao2, DU Juan2
1.School of Mechanical Engineering,Tianjin University,Tianjin 300350,China;2.Institute of Engineering Thermophysics,Chinese Academy of Sciences,Beijing 100190,China
Flow instability of axial compressor is one of the bottleneck problems that restrict the development of high-performance aero-engines. In order to study the evolution characteristics of early stall flow instability and explore a timely and effective stall warning method, the eight groups of circumferential static time series signals of a low speed isolated-rotor axial compressor were analyzed, and an early stall characteristics analysis method for axial compressor based on phase metric was proposed. Firstly, a time-delay cross-correlation analysis method was developed to accurately capture the time-delay phase difference between adjacent sensor signals, and analyze the variation characteristics of time-delay cross-correlation coefficients between symmetric sensor signals. Additionally, a disturbance phase metric was developed based on the correlation coefficient, by using this metric the temporal and spatial evolution characteristic image of the disturbance was obtained. Based on the maximum phase duration of disturbance, the variation mechanisms of time-delay correlation coefficients and the flow instability characteristics were analyzed in the early stall stage. Study results show that compared to the traditional cross-correlation analysis, the time-delay cross-correlation analysis can eliminate the phase difference and the non-physical interference caused by the circumferential positions of signals, and preferably present the microphysical characteristics of flow during early stall stage. The disturbance phase metric can be used to excavate the variation characteristics of flow instability, and to detect the circumferentially geometric inequality of the compressor.
Key words:  Aero engine  Axial compressor  Rotating stall  Flow instability  Disturbance  Time-delay cross-correlation analysis