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南京航空航天大学 能源与动力学院,江苏 南京 210016
关键词:  超燃冲压发动机  起动过程  喷管  激波  数值模拟
Numerical Simulation of Asymmetric Nozzle Starting Process
SU Peng, CHEN Chong, CHEN Yi-le, YU Kai-kai
College of Energy and Power,Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics,Nanjing 210016,China
To study the influence of shock motion on the asymmetric nozzle performance during the ground starting process of scramjet nozzle, the unsteady numerical simulation method is used to simulate the starting process of the scramjet nozzle designed by the maximum thrust theory. During the nozzle starting process, the primary shock is formed and moves downstream due to the high-pressure radio of the airflow in the inlet to the airflow in the nozzle. In order to match the high-pressure region swept by the primary shock and the low-pressure region formed by the expansion of the inlet flow, a left-running secondary shock is formed. The nozzle starting process can be divided into two stages. In the first stage, the primary shock wave and the secondary shock sweep together. The primary shock is generated at the nozzle inlet and moves downstream, and the thrust increases significantly. When the primary shock sweeps the end of the upper wall, the lift increases substantially. The second stage is the sweep stage of the secondary shock. The secondary left-running shock moves downstream with the core flow. The thrust decreases slightly and tends to be stable, and the lift decrease significantly and tends to be stable. Then, the evolution mechanism of moving shock in the starting process is further studied, the change of shock velocity is analyzed. The results show that the velocity of the primary shock continues to decrease, and the left-hand velocity of the secondary shock wave relative to the core flow increases in the nozzle and decreases after leaving the nozzle. Furthermore, the shock velocity derived from one-dimensional moving shock wave theory and the numerical simulation shock velocity are compared, it is found that the starting time can be predicted by one-dimensional moving shock theory, but the influence of the expansion wave at the bottom of the nozzle should be considered.
Key words:  Scramjet  Starting process  Nozzle  Shock  Numerical stmulation