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中国民航大学 安全科学与工程学院,天津 300300
关键词:  压气机  转子  泄漏流  激波  失速  气动性能
Mechanism of Top Slot Affecting Stability of Transonic Compressor Rotor
LI Xiao-dong, SUN Peng, FU Wen-guang
School of Safety Science and Engineering,Civil Aviation University of China,Tianjin 300300,China
The interaction between tip leakage vortex and channel shock wave has a significant impact on the stability of transonic compressor rotor under small mass flow conditions, and the breakdown of leakage vortex is the directly cause of compressor stall. In order to weaken the interaction between channel shock wave and tip leakage flow, a top slot structure with both inlet and outlet in front of channel shock wave was designed. The influence of axial position of top slot inlet and outlet on the aerodynamic performance of compressor was numerically studied. Results show that, with the slot, the stable working mass flow range of the compressor is widened by 74.9% at the maximum, and it is widened by 69.1% at the inlet and outlet positions of the best overall performance. At the same time, within the flow range of the prototype compressor, the aerodynamic characteristics of the slotted rotor and the prototype rotor are basically the same. The relative decrease of the maximum efficiency is less than 0.4% and the relative decrease of the total pressure ratio is less than 0.5%. The in-depth analysis of the top slot to improve the working stability of the compressor found that, with the top slot, the leakage intensity through the compressor blade tip clearance is redistributed, the leakage within the middle chord range is effectively controlled, and the shock wave intensity in the compressor channel near to the shroud is weakened, which in turn decreases the scale of the low-momentum region formed after the leakage vortex passes through the shock wave. However, the essential reason is that the blade loading in the tip area is reorganized with the top slot.
Key words:  Compressor  Rotor  Leakage flow  Shock wave  Stall  Aerodynamic performance