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1.中国科学技术大学 近代力学系,安徽 合肥 230027;2.北京机电工程研究所,北京 100074
关键词:  进气道  激波干扰  流动分离  高速纹影  图像处理  激波振荡
Effects of Sideslip Angle on Shock Oscillations of V-Shaped Blunt Leading Edge
ZHANG Ying-jie1, LI Zhu-fei1, ZHANG Zhi-yu1, HUANG Rong1, WANG Jun1, YANG Ji-ming1, WU Li-long2, LIU Kun-wei2, CAO Xiao-long2
1.Department of Modern Mechanics,University of Science and Technology of China,Hefei 230027,China;2.Beijing Research Institute of Mechanical and Electrical Technology,Beijing 100074,China
The cowl lip of three-dimensional inward turning inlet is simplified as a V-shaped blunt leading edge to reveal asymmetric shock wave interactions in the sideslip state. Flow characteristics of the V-shaped blunt leading edge with a radius ratio R/r=1 (the ratio of crotch radius R to the blunt radius r) at sideslip angles of 0° and 2° are investigated at a freestream Mach number of 4. High-speed schlieren photography and wall pressure measurements are adopted in the experiments and numerical simulations are performed. The results show that large-scale flow separations and shock wave oscillations occur at the V-shaped crotch and the fluctuating pressure on the wall is sensitive to the sideslip angle. Compared with those of the sideslip angle of 0°, the size of the separation decreases, the oscillation frequency increases, and the peak value of the fluctuating pressure increases significantly on the windward side of the sideslip angle of 2°. On the contrary, the variation trends of these parameters on the leeward side are opposite. When the oscillation frequencies of the separation shocks with and without sideslip are nondimensionalized by the separation length and the flow velocity behind the shock wave induced by the straight blunt leading edge on the same side, a nearly constant Strouhal number of St≈0.1 is achieved, which suggests that the origin of the oscillations is due mainly to the competition between the incoming flow and the reverse flow along the wall. The proper orthogonal decomposition based on high-speed schlieren images without any sideslip identifies a strong coupling between the shock oscillations on both sides. However, a small sideslip angle can not only destroy the original coupling but also enlarge the difference in the energy proportions of the first two modes.
Key words:  Inlet  Shock wave interaction  Flow separation  High-speed schlieren  Image processing  Shock oscillations