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北京航空航天大学 宇航学院,北京 100191
关键词:  固液火箭发动机  燃烧室  氧化剂温度  性能参数  数值仿真
Simulation Study on Effects of Oxidizer Temperature on Performance of Hybrid Rocket Motor
MENG Xiang-yu, TIAN Hui, LU Yu-dong, JIANG Xian-zhu, CHEN Rui-kai, ZHANG Yuan-jun
School of Astronautics,Beihang University,Beijing 100191,China
In order to expand the application of hybrid rocket motor, it is necessary to study the performance parameter changes at different oxidizer temperatures. Lumped parameter method is used to analyse the mass flow rate changes in the cavitation venturi tube affected by the different oxidizer temperatures in this project. And a transient numerical simulation model of the H2O2/PE hybrid rocket motor is established, using the dynamic mesh technology to simulate the regression of propellant. The performance parameter changes caused by the oxidizer mass flow rate deviation are calculated. According to practical experience, an oxidizer mass flow rate deviation of about 5% is obtained at different oxidizer temperatures. The lowest temperature is 10℃ and the highest temperature is 50℃. The numerical simulations show that the combustion chamber pressure and thrust deviation at different oxidizer temperatures will gradually increase with time. The pressure deviation has increased from the initial 5.67% to 5.96%, and the thrust deviation has increased from the initial 3.28% to 3.51% within 0~4s. Regression rate trend is the same at different oxidizer temperatures, and regression rate deviation is basically constant during the working process. The fuel mass flow rate trend is the same at different oxidizer temperatures. However, there is an obvious delay time at high temperature, and the delay time increases significantly with the working time.
Key words:  Hybrid rocket motor  Combustor  Oxidizer temperature  Performance parameters  Numerical simulation