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南京理工大学 瞬态物理国家重点实验室,江苏 南京 210094
关键词:  粉末爆轰发动机  粉末供应  粉末流化  流化均匀性  粉末装填
Characteristics of Powder Fuel Supply for Powder Detonation Engine
SU Xiao-jie, XU Han, WENG Chun-sheng, NI Xiao-dong, XIAO Bo-wen, ZHENG Quan
National Key Laboratory of Transient Physics,Nanjing University of Science and Technology,Nanjing 210094,China
In order to study the powder fuel supply characteristics of powder detonation engine, a set of experimental system for visualizing the gas-solid flow state in the fluidization bin was built, the powder fluidization quality and the internal pressure of the fluidization bin were monitored in real time by using load cell and static pressure sensor, and the powder fluidization quality was accurately measured by electronic balance. In the process, the time uniformity of powder fluidization under different preload pressures, the spatial uniformity of powder fluidization under different piston speeds, and the characteristics of the fluidization ability of powder fluidization were analyzed. The results show that the best operating time of the powder detonation engine is at the pressure stabilization stage and the pressure maintaining stage of the fluidized chamber. The uniformity of fluidization time of the powder is almost unchanged under the pre-compression pressure of 0.4~2MPa, and it is obviously better than the powder fluidization without pre-compression. The powder fluidization maintains a certain uniformity in space, but it gradually weakens with the increase of the piston speed. The gas-solid ratio of the powder fuel supply system of the powder detonation engine has a critical value. When the actual gas-solid ratio is below the critical value, the powder will not be taken away by the fluidizing gas in time, so as to accumulate in the fluidized bin and finally block the fluidized bin. When the actual gas-solid ratio is above the critical value, the powder fluidization ability increases with the increase of the piston speed.
Key words:  Powder detonation engine  Powder supply  Powder fluidization  Fluidization uniformity  Powder filling