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南京航空航天大学 能源与动力学院 江苏省航空动力系统重点实验室,江苏 南京 210016
关键词:  固体火箭冲压发动机  补燃室  进气道  掺混  气动特性  燃烧效率
Effects of Cross Section of Inlet Exit on Mixing Performance of Afterburner
HU Rong, XIE Lyu-rong, WANG Run-zhou, ZHAO You-xi, LIN Hua-chuan
Jiangsu Province Key Laboratory of Aerospace Power System,College of Energy and Power Engineering, Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics,Nanjing 210016,China
In order to study the effects of the cross section of the inlet exit on the mixing aerodynamic characteristics and combustion performance on afterburner, the internal flow field of solid rocket ramjet mixing section with twin-inlet 90° configuration at Venter was numerically simulated. The afterburner performance of circular and rectangular inlet exit sections without/with considering the mixing and reaction of gas were compared and analyzed under the same pressure ratio of the afterburning chamber. The results show that in the mixing process of air, the total pressure loss of the two types of inlet exit section is roughly the same. However, because the streamline in the mixing section of circular inlet exit section presents an unstable spiral point form, the mixing of circular inlet exit section is more uniform in a short distance, and the swirling intensity is smaller than that of rectangular inlet exit section. When the combustion reaction is considered, the total pressure recovery coefficient of afterburner with the circular section of inlet exit is about 2% higher than that of the rectangular section. The total combustion efficiency of afterburner with the rectangular section of inlet exit is 95.58%, while that of the circular section is 99.86%.
Key words:  Solid rocket ramjet  Afterburning chamber  Inlet  Mixing  Aerodynamic characteristics  Combustion efficiency