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宜昌测试技术研究所,湖北 宜昌 443000
关键词:  自力弹射  燃气射流  起始冲击波  火箭弹  数值模拟
Effects of Initial Length of Low Pressure Chamber on Wake Field of Rocket Leaving Launcher by Self-Ejection
SONG Jian, LI Chao, CAI Qian, SHE Hu-qing
Yichang Testing Technique Research Institute,Yichang 443000,China
The change of the initial length of low pressure chamber will affect the value of pressure in low pressure chamber during the process of rocket self-ejection directly, and then the change can influence the characteristic of wake filed during rocket leaving the launcher by self-ejection. A solution model of wake field of rocket leaving the launcher by self-ejection based on two-dimension axisymmetric Navier-Stokes equation was set up, unsteady numerical simulation of the whole process of rocket launch by self-ejection was carried out by dynamic grid technology. The flow structure of the supersonic jet obtained by simulation with the model in this paper is consistent with the experiment schlieren graph. The rocket self-ejection test was carried out and the experimental data is in good agreement with the simulation data. On this basis, the effects of initial length of low pressure chamber on different stage of wake flow were analyzed. The results show that, with the increase of initial length of low pressure chamber, the amplitude and duration of flow vibration increase in the preliminary stage. The velocity increment and displacement increment decrease in growing phase and increase in steady phase. The pressure in low pressure chamber during the process of self-ejection decrease significantly. In order to reduce the requirement for the structural strength of launcher, the initial length of the low pressure chamber should select the larger value within the design range.
Key words:  Self-ejection  Jet flow  Initial shock wave  Rocket  Numerical simulation