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1.上海交通大学 机械与动力工程学院,上海 200240;2.上海空间推进研究所,上海 201112;3.上海空间发动机工程技术研究中心,上海 201112
关键词:  碘工质电推进系统  储供系统  复合加热  微流量控制  高密度贮存
Feeding Design and Experimental Study of Iodine Electric Propulsion System
YE Zhan-wen1, WANG Ping-yang1, HUA Zhi-wei1, HANG Guan-rong2,3
1.School of Mechanical Engineering,Shanghai Jiaotong University,Shanghai 200240,China;2.Shanghai Institute of Space Propulsion,Shanghai 201112,China;3.Shanghai Engineering Research Center of Space Engine,Shanghai 201112,China
Iodine has been paid more and more attention because of its low cost and low pressure and high density storage. Iodine feeding system, the key component of iodine electric propulsion system, bears the function of solid-gas phase change and flow supply. In order to improve the accuracy and stability of the flow supply which directly affects the performance of the cathode and the thruster, a new iodine storage and feeding system was designed and can be heated in various ways, with a high-precision weight sensor used in vacuum chambers, which realizes the dynamic flow monitoring and the iodine vapor flow control at the mg/s level. Three thermal control methods of external heating, internal radiative heating and combined heating of the tank were tested and measured to explore the law of their influence on the flow rate and stability. The results show that the three heating methods can supply stable flow for a long time under the conditions required by the experiment. Radiative heating has the fastest response time, taking only about 10 minutes, compared with more than an hour for external heating. Combined heating is more complicated, but it can further reduce the power consumption.
Key words:  Iodine electric propulsion system  Feeding system  Combined heating  Microflow control  High density storage