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1.北京航空航天大学 宇航学院,北京 100191;2.北京航空航天大学 宁波创新研究院 先进飞行器与空天动力创新研究中心,浙江 宁波 315800
关键词:  液液同轴离心式喷嘴  喷嘴动力学  传递函数  非定常伯努利方程  理论分析
Theoretical Study on Dynamic Characteristics of Liquid-Liquid Coaxial Swirl Injector
ZHANG Ding-wei1, FU Qing-fei1,2, YANG Li-jun1,2
1.School of Astronautics,Beihang University,Beijing 100191,China;2.Aircraft and Propulsion Laboratory,Ningbo Institute of Technology,Beihang University,Ningbo 315800,China
In order to study the dynamic characteristics of liquid-liquid coaxial swirl injector, the transfer functions of the inner and outer injectors of the coaxial injector were established by theoretical method. The transfer function of the inner injector refers to Bazarov’s injector dynamics theory. Based on the unsteady Bernoulli equation, the transfer function of the outer injector is derived by analyzing the relationship between the change in different velocity components of the liquid in the injector when the pressure drop oscillates. By combining the independent transfer functions of the inner and the outer injectors, the amplitude-frequency characteristics of the oscillations of the total flow rate and the oxygen-fuel ratio of the coaxial injector were obtained. The calculation results of a specific coaxial injector show that there appears sensitive frequency point within the calculated frequency range of the inner injector. The phase difference of flow oscillation between inner and outer injectors is large at high frequency when the pressure drop oscillations of them is synchronous. By only changing the number of tangential holes of the inner injector or the outer injector, the dynamic characteristics of the whole coaxial injector with oxygen to fuel ratio of 1.65, fuel-rich and oxygen-rich were analyzed. New sensitive frequency points were found in the calculation results of the three kinds of coaxial injectors.
Key words:  Liquid-liquid coaxial swirl injector  Injector dynamics  Transfer function  Unsteady Bernoulli equation  Theoretical analysis