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南京航空航天大学 能源与动力学院,江苏 南京 210016
关键词:  APU进气系统  典型特征参数  气动性能  分离损失  数值仿真
Numerical Study on Effects of Typical Characteristic Parameters on Flight Performance for Rapid Turning APU Inlet
HAO Chang-kai, HUANG Guo-ping, YU Zong-han
College of Energy and Power,Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics,Nanjing 210016,China
In order to provide a reference for the design of an auxiliary power system (APU) intake system with an APU flap, a design method based on the trailing edge line profile and area change rule is adopted. It can be matched with the serrated leading edge of the lip to form an oblique downward inlet section by smoothing and reshaping the lip. Numerical simulation is introduced to study the influence of the three characteristic parameters of inlet shape, leading edge surface curvature and throat position of sharp turning APU inlet performance. The results show that the APU inlet loss mainly comes from the separation loss, the inlet shape mainly affects the turning degree of the guide surface and the pressure gradient change, the leading edge curvature affects the size and strength of the separation zone. Among them, the curvature of the leading edge has a great influence on the aerodynamic performance of the outlet. In the design state, increasing the leading edge curvature can increase the total pressure recovery coefficient by 0.81%.When the trailing edge surface remains unchanged, the occurrence of separation can be effectively delayed, the strength of the separation zone is weakened, and the aerodynamic performance at outlet can be improved by reasonably arranging the inlet shape, the leading edge surface curvature and the throat position. In addition, the same trend is also shown in the forward angle of attack and sideslip.
Key words:  APU intake system  Typical characteristic parameters  Aerodynamic performance  Separation loss  Numerical simulation