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中国航发湖南动力机械研究所 中小型航空发动机叶轮机械湖南省重点试验室,湖南 株洲 412002
关键词:  向心涡轮  iSIGHT  三维优化系统  实验设计方法(DOE)  多目标优化
Multi-Object Optimization and Analysis of 5.0 Expansion Ratio Radial Turbine Based on Isight
YANG Wei-ping, OUYANG Yu-qing, FANG Xing-long, LI En-hua, ZENG Fei
Hunan Key Laboratory of Turbomachinery on Medium and Small Aero-Engine,AECC Hunan Aviation Powerplant Research Institute,Zhuzhou 412002,China
For lightweight, compact, efficient radial turbine design requirements, 3D multi-object optimization of a 5.0 expansion ratio radial turbine is carried out. Firstly, based on optimization platform iSIGHT, a 3D integrated aerodynamic optimization system is developed with Numeca, CFX and self-program to automatically process the flow channel and the blade parameterization, mesh generation, numerical calculation, 3D calculation result and optimization, and it requires only 2.4% of the computer storage space compared with original optimization system. Secondly, in order to solve the problem of huge optimization scale caused by modeling parameters of radial impeller, the effects of flow channel and blade control parameters on turbine performance were studied using design of experiments method(DOE). Contribution of modeling parameters to turbine efficiency is obtained, and the selection basis of optimization variable is given. 23 of 102 modeling parameters are selected as optimization variables, which reduce the blindness of optimization, shorten the optimization time, greatly reduce the workload and improve the optimization efficiency. Finally,considering the performance of turbine, exhaust loss and the requirement of impeller compactness, total to static turbine efficiency ηts, stage outlet flow angle α6 and blade surface area A are taken as the optimization objectives, NSGA-Ⅱalgorithm is used for multi-objective optimization and the corresponding mechanism is discussed. After optimization, the axial length of impeller is shortened by 8.09% and the surface area of blade is reduced by 8.64%, which effectively reduces the size and weight of the impeller. The total to static turbine efficiency increases by 0.1% and the stage outlet flow angle decreases by 1° under the condition of the inlet flow function and the expansion ratio remains almost unchanged. Furthermore, the performance of turbine remains unchanged at different rotor speeds after optimization. The above research shows that the 3D optimization system and multi-object optimization method are effective.
Key words:  Radial turbine  iSIGHT  3D optimization system  Design of experiments method(DOE)  Multi-object optimization