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国防科技大学 空天科学学院,湖南 长沙 410073
关键词:  脉冲等离子体推力器  高速摄影技术  电磁加速机制  附着等离子体电弧  初始电压
Experimental Study on Operating Process of Laser-Assisted Pulsed Plasma Thruster
TAN Sheng, ZHAO Yuan-zheng, WU Jian-jun, LI Jian, ZHANG Yu, WANG Mo-ge
College of Aerospace Science and Engineering,National University of Defense Technology, Changsha 410073,China
In order to deepen the understanding of the operating process of the laser-assisted pulsed plasma thruster (LAPPT), the LAPPT with or without ceramic separator and at different initial voltages were experimentally studied. The discharge characteristic parameters and performance parameters were compared by using the discharge volt-ampere characteristics. Then the physical process changes behind the performance differences were revealed by using high-speed photography techniques combined with narrowband filters. The results show that the ceramic isolator can effectively avoid the ablation of propellant by discharge arc, which can inhibit the generation of late-time ablation and improve the propulsion performance of thruster. The ionization and acceleration of the propellant produced by laser ablation is carried out in the process of multiple oscillation discharges, rather than only ionization and acceleration once as in the ideal current sheet model. The most significant time of ionization and acceleration effects of propellant in discharge channel is the second half cycle of the discharge. With the increase of initial voltage, the propulsion performance generated by unit discharge energy increases first and then tends to be stable, and continues to increase afterwards. The propulsion performance generated by unit discharge energy is greatly improved when the initial voltage is higher than 2050V. It is inferred from the discharge plasma image that this means that the presence of attached plasma arc has an important effect on the performance improvement of the thruster.
Key words:  Pulsed plasma thruster  High-speed photography technology  Electromagnetic acceleration mechanism  Attached plasma arc  Initial voltage