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1.南京航空航天大学 能源与动力学院,江苏 南京 210016;2.北京动力机械研究所,北京 100074
关键词:  航空发动机  气膜冷却  涡轮  叶片  冷却效率  对流换热
Experimental Research on Heat Transfer Characteristics of Turbine Blade Surface
XUAN Wen-tao1, ZHONG Bo1, WEI Jing-tao1, GU Hao1, GUO Hao-yan2, YANG Wei-hua1
1.College of Energy and Power,Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics,Nanjing 210016,China;2.Beijing Power Machinery Institute,Beijing 100074,China
The improvement of aero-engine performance puts higher requirements on the heat resistance limit of turbine blades. In order to analyze the heat transfer characteristics of turbine blades more accurately, a certain type of air-cooled turbine blades with 10%, 50%, and 90% blade heights are selected to be 3D printed with low thermal conductivity photosensitive resin materials. The constant current heating is pasted on the surface of the blade with a constant film with a thickness of 0.02mm. The infrared thermal imaging system is used to accurately measure the temperature of the blade wall. The effects of blowing ratio (M) and Reynolds number (Re) on the efficiency of film adiabatic cooling and Nusselt number (Nu) are studied (in the test, the mainstream Reynolds number based on chord length is 8×104~16.7×104, and the blowing ratio M is 1~3). The test results show that: When M=1, the air film can better adhere to the surface of the blade, and the surface of the blade is better cooled. As the mainstream Reynolds number increases, the temperature of the adiabatic wall gradually rises, and the adiabatic efficiency gradually decreases. The effects of the blowing ratio on the heat transfer characteristics of the turbine blades are related to the outlet angle of the air film holes. With the increase of the blowing ratio, the adiabatic cooling efficiency of the pressure surface gradually increases. While the outlet angle of the film holes on the suction surface is larger than the outlet angle of the film holes on the pressure surface, the increase in blowing ratio makes the adiabatic cooling efficiency of the suction surface gradually decrease. As the blowing ratio increases, the convective heat transfer coefficient increases.
Key words:  Aeroengine  Film cooling  Turbine  Blade  Cooling efficiency  Convective heat transfer