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北京控制工程研究所,北京 100190
关键词:  电帆  等离子体  朗缪尔探针  微推力测量  地面模拟
Theoretical and Experimental Research on Thrust Factor of Electric Sail Propulsion in Plasma Environment
ZHAO Bo-qiang, LI Yong, YU Yang
Beijing Institute of Control Engineering,Beijing 100190,China
In order to analyse the influence factors of the electric sail thrust, the electric sail ground simulation equipment is designed according to the electric sail propulsion theory. Firstly, to obtain the thrust formula of electric sail,the interaction mechanism of charged wire and plasma in vacuum is analysed. Langmuir probes are used to measure the plasma parameters in the simulation environment of the electric sail, and the thrust generated by the electric sail is calculated. Finally, the thrust generated by the electric sail is measured by a micro-thrust measurement system and compared with the calculated result. According to the thrust formula and the simulation result, the thrust increases while the voltage, the density and velocity of charged particles, and the length of electric sail increase. When the voltage on the sail increases from 300V to 800V, the thrust increases from 9μN to 26μN. The simulation and experiment results show that the voltage, the density, and velocity of charged particles, and the length of the electric sail wire all affect the thrust. Based on the results, the empirical thrust coefficient of the electric sail thrust formula is between 1 and 2.
Key words:  Electric sail  Plasma  Langmuir probe  Micro thrust measurement  Ground simulation