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1.空军工程大学 航空机务士官学校,河南 信阳 464000;2.空军工程大学 等离子体动力学重点实验室,陕西 西安 710038
关键词:  电推进器  螺旋波等离子体  放电实验  工质气体  发射光谱法
Experimental Research on Plasma Source Discharge of Helicon Wave Electric Thruster Based on Optical Emission Spectroscopy
DUAN Peng-zhen1, LI Yi-wen2, ZHAI Xu-sheng1, ZHANG Sheng-wu2
1.Aviation Maintenance NCO School,Air Force Engineering University,Xinyang 464000,China;2.Science and Technology on Plasma Dynamics Laboratory,Air Force Engineering University,Xi’an 710038,China
In order to explore the discharge characteristics of the plasma source of helicon wave electric thruster under different gas conditions, a spectral diagnostic experiment of argon, helium and nitrogen discharges was carried out. Under the discharge condition of argon and helium as working gas, the relative intensity of some wavelength lines increases with the increase of power, and the slope shows two jumps. Considering it is the mode transition in the helicon discharge process, that is, the transition of capacitive-to-inductive and inductive-to-wave modes. For the three working gas, at lower pressures, the relative intensity of each line increases rapidly with the increasing pressure. However, after the pressure continues to increase to 1.0Pa under argon discharge, the line intensity increases slowly or even reaches saturation. The pressure of helium and nitrogen discharge increases to 0.5~0.65Pa, the intensity of the line decreases. And the discharge intensity of helium and nitrogen is more sensitive to pressure.
Key words:  Electric thruster  Helicon wave plasma  Discharge experiment  Working gas  Optical emission spectroscopy