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北京理工大学 机电学院 爆炸科学与技术国家重点实验室,北京 100081
关键词:  固体推进剂  低温  燃烧波  燃烧速度  高速摄影法
Experiment on Change Law of Combustion Wavefront of Three-Component Solid Propellant under Low-Temperature Conditions
WU Jun-ying, LIU Jia-xi, ZHANG Xiao-zhou, YANG Li-jun, LI Yao-jiang, WU Jiao-jiao, CHEN Lang
State Key Laboratory of Explosion Science and Technology,School of Mechatronial Engineering, Beijing Institute of Technology,Beijing 100081,China
An in-depth understanding of the combustion performance of the propellants in low-temperature conditions and collecting the change law of combustion wavefront can porvide a significant guidance for evaluating the adaptability of the propellants in low-temperature conditions. A slit observation device that can improve the observation quality of combustion waves was designed. The rapid phothograph method was carried out to collect the combusiton process of the three-component HTPB solid propellant in normal-temperature and low-temperature conditions and the images of the combustion waves were obtained. The results show that, compared with the normal-temperature conditions, the combusiton wavefront of the propellants is unstable in low-temperature conditions. The combusiton velocity of propellant was calculated based on the images taken by the rapid photograph method, which was compared with the results of the target line method. The results show that the difference between the results from the two methods was small, and the combustion velocity in the low-temperature conditions is significantly lower than that in normal-temperature conditions. The combusiton velocity of the propellant is between 1.717~2.127mm/s in normal-temperature conditions, and is between 1.252~1.583mm/s in the low-temperature conditions.
Key words:  Solid propellant  Low temperature  Combustion waves  Combusiton velocity  Rapid photograph method