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上海交通大学 航空航天学院 高超声速创新技术研究实验室,上海 200240
关键词:  双模态冲压发动机  可压缩流  凹腔  物质输运  驻涡  数值模拟
Interaction of High-Speed Compressible Incoming Flow and Trapped Vortex in Cavity and Its Mass Transport Characteristics
WANG Yan, HE Miao-sheng, YU Bin, WANG Wei, LIU Hong
Hypersonic Innovation Technology Research Laboratory,College of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Shanghai Jiaotong University,Shanghai 200240,China
In order to deeply understand the interaction process between the trapped vortex of the cavity and the high-speed compressible incoming flow and the internal influence of the incoming flow Mach number on the above dynamic process, the cold unsteady state numerical simulation was carried out for the single basic cavity configuration with a length-depth ratio of 1.0, the inflow conditions are high speed compressible flow of Ma=0.3~0.7 at room temperature and atmospheric pressure, both the interaction between the main flow and the trapped vortex and its mass transport characteristics have been studied based on the Lagrangian perspective. The results show that the vortex structure in the shear layer still has a periodic evolution process similar to the free shear layer, the main flow and the cavity are mixed for three times for mass transport. With the increase of the mainstream Mach number, the vortex motion mode and the cavity-mainstream mass mixing mechanism have undergone essential changes, both the vortex in the shear layer and cavity increases by orders of magnitude, the shedding frequency of the vortex structure in the shear layer increases approximately linearly and gradually entrains to the middle of the cavity, the proportion of the mainstream fluid entering the cavity decreases, but the degree and speed of diffusion are accelerated. Moreover, after the fluid originating from the cavity flows out of the lip line,the mass fraction of reflux flow increases by the entrainment effect of shear layer, which reduces the overall mass exchange level between the cavity and the mainstream. The residence parameter attenuates as a whole, it is only 1/2 of low-speed operating conditions at high Mach number, which significantly reduces the contribution of the recirculation zone to fluid retention.
Key words:  Dual-mode ramjet  Compressible flow  Cavity  Mass transportation  Trapped vortex  Numerical simulation