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杨泽南1,陈伟1,Minking K Chyu1,琚印超2,张波2
1.四川大学 空天科学与工程学院,四川 成都 610065;2.北京动力机械研究所 高超声速冲压发动机技术重点实验室,北京 100074
关键词:  超然冲压发动机  主动冷却  网格结构  结构减重  强化传热  超临界流体流动
Numerical Study on Flow and Heat Transfer Characteristics of Supercritical n-Decane in Cooling Channels with Lattice Arrays
YANG Ze-nan1, CHEN Wei1, Minking K Chyu1, JU Yin-chao2, ZHANG Bo2
1.School of Aeronautics and Astronautics,Sichuan University,Chengdu 610065,China;2.Science and Technology on Scramjet Laboratory,Beijing Power Machinery Institute,Beijing 100074,China
Using hydrocarbon fuel to cool the combustor is a common active cooling method of scramjet. In order to reduce the weight of the active cooling channel structure and improve the cooling efficiency, new types of channels filled with lattice structure are discussed, and compared with the conventional rectangular active cooling channel in terms of structural weight loss, flow characteristics and heat transfer ability. The results show that, under the same operating condition, the cooling channel with staggered lattice arrays has the best comprehensive performance, for the weight reduction effect reaches 39.93%, the wall temperature drops significantly, and the maximum Nusselt number is 2.156 times of the conventional channel. The flow field analysis shows that horseshoe vortices formed by the impact effect and hairpin vortices near the trailing edge contribute the most to heat transfer enhancement, and the disturbed boundary layer and the excited turbulent kinetic energy are also important factors to enhance the heat transfer.
Key words:  Scramjet  Active cooling  Lattice structure  Structure weight loss  Enhanced heat transfer  Supercritical fluid flow