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哈尔滨工业大学 能源科学与工程学院,黑龙江 哈尔滨 150001
关键词:  低反力度压气机  叶顶喷气  喷气位置  扩稳机理  气动性能
Numerical Investigation of Stability Enhancement with Tip Air Injection in a Low-Reaction Transonic Rotor
DING Sheng-li, CHEN Shao-wen, CHEN Shuai-tong, WANG Song-tao
School of Energy Science and Engineering,Harbin Institute of Technology,Harbin 150001,China
In order to further improve the stable working range of the low-reaction compressor, the effects of tip air injection on extending stall margin were studied in the first-stage transonic rotor of a three-stage low-reaction high-load compressor by three-dimensional numerical simulations. Stability-enhancing mechanism and the impact of injector axial positions on stability enhancement and aerodynamic performance of the rotor were discussed. The results show that tip air injection suppresses the breaking of the leakage vortex under the near-stall condition of the rotor by weakening the interaction between the tip leakage vortex and the passage shock wave and eliminating the large-area blockage of the blade tip passage, which result in widening the rotor’s stable operating margin. As the injector moves axially upstream from the tip leading edge, the increment of stall margin presents a trend of increasing first and then decreasing. Considering the effect of stall margin improvement and the overall rotor performance parameters, the optimal injection axial position is 5% of the rotor axial chord length upstream of the tip leading edge. Tip air injection changes the radial distribution of the rotor aerodynamic parameters. The compression work of the outer 15% span is reduced, and the load of other spans increase.
Key words:  Low-reaction compressor  Tip air injection  Injection position  Stability-enhancing mechanism  Aerodynamic performance