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1.大连海事大学 轮机工程学院,辽宁 大连 116026;2.中国民航大学 适航学院,天津 300300;3.大连海事大学 船舶与海洋工程学院,辽宁 大连 116026
关键词:  扇形叶栅  畸变  压气机  静叶  实验  数值模拟
Effects of Distorted Flow Field on Aerodynamic Performance of Compressor Stator Vane Based on Sector Cascade
CHEN Tian-you1, SUN Peng2, FU Wen-guang2, HAN Ji-ang3
1.College of Marine Engineering,Dalian Maritime University,Dalian 116026,China;2.College of Airworthiness,Civil Aviation University of China,Tianjin 300300,China;3.College of Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering,Dalian Maritime University,Dalian 116026,China
With the improvement of airworthiness requirements, the effects of inlet distortion on gas turbines have been gradually taken into account. Moreover, the inlet distortion encountered by gas turbines during flight often seriously affects the uniformity of inlet flow angle distribution of stators and deteriorates the flow passage capacity of stators after passing through the rotors, Therefore, to study the effects of flow angle distortion on stator flow field, an experimental and simulation study was carried out on a fan cascade with adjustable guide vanes (AGV). The inlet distortion was made by adjusting the angle of one guide vane separately while the other guide vanes are unchanged. The structure of the distorted flow field and its effect on the aerodynamic characteristics of the stator were analyzed. The results show that the circumferential uniformity of inlet flow angle, axial velocity, static pressure and other parameters can be changed by rotating 6° AGV8 while other guide vane angles remain unchanged, so as to produce inlet distortion. The flow angle distortion is 3.22, which increases by 1.14 compared with the uniform inlet condition. The distortion increases the loss and influence range of the passage vortex at the hub of S8 suction, but has little influence on the tip and middle span. In addition, the total pressure recovery coefficient at the flow path of the stators is lower than that under uniform condition.
Key words:  Sector cascade  Distortion  Compressor  Stator vane  Experiment  Numerical simulation