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国防科技大学 空天科学学院,湖南 长沙 410073
关键词:  固体火箭发动机  装药  燃面  最小距离函数  计算方法
Grain Burnback Analysis of Solid Rocket Motor Using Fast Nearest-Neighbor Search
PENG Bo, LI Guo-sheng, SUN Jing-bo, WU Ze-ping, ZHANG Wei-hua
College of Aerospace Science and Engineering,National University of Defense Technology,Changsha 410073,China
The burning surface calculation of complex 3-d grain is important for solid rocket motor(SRM) simulation. Aiming at the problem of fast calculation of SRM burning surface, a calculation method based on fast nearest neighbor search was established in this study. Based on the symmetry of SRM grain, the calculation domain was reduced in cylindrical coordinate system. The initial burning surface was characterized and extracted based on the point cloud data instead of surface element, and the initial point cloud was organized efficiently by k-d tree. Thus, the minimum distance function(MDF) could be fast solved based on the nearest neighbor search method. A general volume integration method in cylindrical coordinates was established to calculate the burning surface position, the burning surface area, and the mass characteristics of grain with arbitrary burning thickness. The method was used to calculate two kinds of geometrical configurations. The results show that the calculation error is less than 1% for a calculation time of less than 1s, indicating that the method has good adaptability for any shaped grain, and has high accuracy and efficiency in calculating the law of burning surface moving.
Key words:  Solid rocket motor  Grain  Burning surface  Minimum distance function  Calculation method