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中国民航大学 航空工程学院,天津 300300
关键词:  涡轮  轮缘密封  燃气入侵  封严效率  数值模拟
Flow Characteristics of Front and Aft Rim Seal for 1.5-Stage Turbine
HE Zhen-peng, ZHOU Jia-xing, WANG Yu-bo, YANG Cheng-quan, LI Bai-chun
School of Aeronautical Engineering,Civil Aviation University of China,Tianjin 300300,China
Three-dimensional steady simulation of 1.5-stage turbine stage with front and aft cavity has been carried out for the purpose of the seal characteristics of the rim seal and the interaction between the purge flow and the main flow. The flow field distribution at the outlets of the front and aft seal cavities under different sealed flow rates was studied, and the sealing efficiency of the front and aft cavities are compared and analyzed using the additional variable method. The results show that the position of mainstream gas injection in the front seal cavity is mainly affected by the wake of the upstream vane, and the position of mainstream gas injection in the aft seal cavity is mainly affected by the potential field of the downstream vane. The purge flow affects the mainstream area below the 20% span of blades and increases the secondary flow intensity of the hub. At the same purge flow rate, the sealing efficiency of the front seal cavity is lower than that of the aft cavity and has a greater fluctuation in sealing efficiency.
Key words:  Turbine  Rim seal  Gas ingestion  Sealing efficiency  Numerical simulation