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南京理工大学 机械工程学院,江苏 南京 210094
关键词:  固体火箭发动机  点火药颗粒  点火激波  流固耦合  数值仿真
Fluid-Solid Coupling Characteristics Study on Ignition Process of Ignition Powder Particle in Solid Rocket Motor
DING Hong-ming, ZHUO Chang-fei, SUN Bo, DENG Han-yu
School of Mechanical Engineering,Nanjing University of Science and Technology,Nanjing 210094,China
In order to study the flow and combustion characteristics of ignition powder particles and the effects of ignition shock on the structure of free loading grain during ignition of ignition powder particles, based on the N-S equation and k-ε turbulence model, the ignition model of ignition powder particles is established by particle trajectory model. Combined with fluid-solid couple method, the effects of ignition shock on the structure of free loading grain are analyzed. Compared with the relevant test results, the calculation model is reliable, then the ignition process of ignition powder of solid rocket motor is simulated.The results show that the ignition powder particles are mainly distributed in the channel of the grain, and there is ignition time difference between the ignition powder particles, and the phenomenon of continuous high pressure appears ,which leads to the pressure difference between the internal and external channels as high as 1.4MPa. Due to the propagation characteristics of ignition gas, the whole ignition process is divided into normal shock wave stage and reflected shock wave stage. In the normal shock wave stage, ignition shock has a significant effect on grain structure, and the maximum displacement is as high as 8.0mm.
Key words:  Solid rocket motor  Ignition powder particle  Ignition shock wave  Fluid-solid couple  Numerical simulation