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南京航空航天大学 能源与动力学院,江苏 南京 210016
关键词:  组合式混合扩压器  漏斗高度  进气冲角  进气节角  涵道比
Numerical Investigation of Effects of Geometrical Parameters and Bypass Ratio on Performance of a Funnel/Ring Hybrid Mixing Diffuser
WANG Yun-biao, JIN Yi, HE Xiao-min, YAO Kang-hong, ZHANG Kai, WU Di, ZHU Huan-yu, ZHU Zhi-xiang
College of Energy and Power,Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics,Nanjing 210016,China
The idea of a novel funnel/ring hybrid mixing diffuser is proposed to improve the performance of aero-engine afterburner. The effects of geometrical parameters and bypass ratio on the flow and mixing performance of the mixing diffuser are investigated by numerical methods. The geometrical parameters include funnel height, inlet attack angle and inlet throttle angle. The results show that a counter-rotating vortex pair is formed near the funnel exit, shear layer is formed near the ring exit, therefore, the hybrid mixing diffuser downstream flow features both vortical mixing and shear mixing. Funnel height shows a significant influence on the performance of the hybrid mixing diffuser. Both the thermal mixing efficiency and total pressure loss increase as the funnel height increases. The initial thermal mixing efficiency increases with the increase of the inlet attack angle and inlet throttle angle. After the mixing is fully developed, the thermal mixing efficiency varies little as the inlet attack angle and inlet throttle angle variations. The total pressure loss increases with the increase of inlet attack angle and keeps nearly constant with changes of inlet throttle angle. The thermal mixing efficiency decreases with the increase of bypass ratio, and remains unchanged when bypass ratio is more than 0.8.
Key words:  Hybrid mixing diffuser  Funnel height  Inlet attack angle  Inlet throttle angle  Bypass ratio