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中国空气动力研究与发展中心 空天技术研究所 高超声速冲压发动机技术重点实验室, 四川 绵阳 621000
关键词:  火箭基组合循环发动机  引射  掺混  二次流  引射比  反压
Effects of Mixing Level on Backpressure-Resisting Ability in Ejecting Mode of RBCC
CHEN Jun, BAI Han-chen
Science and Technology on Scramjet Laboratory,Aerospace Technology Institute of CARDC,Mianyang 621000,China
In order to obtain the relationship between mixing level and performance of ejecting process, the mixing levels of circular nozzle and annular nozzle in axisymmetric ejecting flowfield and the influence on the entrainment ratio and resisting backpressure ability are studied. The ejecting flow field is divided into upstream mixing and downstream mixing by the section where the momentum of the primary flow covers the whole section, and the section is defined as demarcation section. Results show that the ejecting effect and resisting backpressure ability are affected little by the mixing level of the downstream mixing, but resolved by the mixing level of the demarcation section. The mixing level of the upstream mixing resolves the mixing level of the demarcation section, and influences the ejecting effect and resisting backpressure ability obviously. The higher the mixing level achieves at the demarcation section, the more secondary flow will be ejected, and the lower resisting backpressure ability will be. There is a contradiction between the entrainment ratio and resisting backpressure ability, so the maximum entrainment ratio is not the exclusive target in RBCC ejecting mode.
Key words:  Rocket based combined cycle engine  Ejection  Mixing  Secondary flow  Entrainment ratio  Back pressure