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北京航空航天大学 能源与动力工程学院,北京 100191
为避免燃油系统温度压力过高造成燃油系统故障,针对涡轮基组合循环发动机燃油系统流动传热特性进行了联合仿真软件开发研究。根据燃油系统的工作原理、流动传热机理,建立了燃油系统各个元组件的Flowmaster数学模型,采用Visual Basic(VB)语言基于Microsoft Visual Studio(VS)软件平台二次开发了包含Flowmaster,Excel的联合仿真软件,用Excel数据表作为联合仿真参数的输入和计算结果输出的数据库,并对典型飞行工况进行了试验验证和初步联合仿真研究。结果表明,开发的联合仿真软件实现了工况参数和计算结果的统一化管理以及自动化仿真,使得仿真步骤简捷迅速,提高了工作效率;典型工况下,主燃烧室燃油流量在m0~3.5m0内(m0为某工况下主燃烧室燃油流量),温度仿真值与试验值相对误差不超过4.0%,压力仿真值与试验值相对误差不超过3.6%;加力燃烧室燃油流量在1.39m0~9.72m0内,温度仿真值与试验值相对误差不超过3.4%,压力仿真值与试验值相对误差不超过3.6%;冲压燃烧室燃油流量在2.25m0~14.60m0内,温度仿真值与试验值相对误差不超过3.8%,压力仿真值与试验值相对误差不超过4.0%,联合仿真结果正确、可靠。
关键词:  涡轮基组合发动机  燃油系统  流动传热  耦合仿真  二次开发
Development of Flow and Heat Transfer Coupling Simulation Software for Fuel System of Turbine Based Combined Cycle Engine
LIU You-hong, ZHAO Xiao-Wang
School of Energy and Power Engineering,Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics,Beijing 100191,China
To avoid the fuel system failure caused by the high temperature and pressure of the fuel system, a joint simulation software was developed for the flow and heat transfer characteristics of turbine based combined cycle engine fuel system.According to the mechanics of the fuel system, the principle of fluid mechanics and heat transfer, the Flowmaster mathematical model of each component of the fuel system was established as the first stage. Then, the Visual Basic (VB) language, based on the Microsoft Visual Studio (VS) software platform, was applied to reengineer the joint simulation software, including Flowmaster and Excel. The Excel data table was used as the database to contain the input of the joint simulation parameters and the output of the calculation results. This article also tested and verified the typical flight conditions with the preliminary joint simulation. The results prove that the joint simulation software developed in this paper is capable to cooperate the working condition parameters and calculation results, and meanwhile generate simulation automatically. This technology will simplify the simulation steps and improve the work efficiency of the software. Under typical operating conditions, the fuel flow of the main combustion chamber is in the range of m0~3.5m0m0 means the fuel flow of the main combustion chamber at certain operating condition), the relative error between the temperature simulation value and the test value does not exceed 4.0%, and the relative error between the pressure simulation value and the test value does not exceed 3.6%. When the fuel flow of the afterburner is in the range of 1.39m0~9.72m0, the relative error between the temperature simulation value and the test value does not exceed 3.4%, and the relative error between the pressure simulation value and the test value does not exceed 3.6%. When the fuel flow of the ram burner is in the range of 2.25m0~14.60m0, the relative error between the temperature simulation value and the test value does not exceed 3.8%, and the relative error between the pressure simulation value and the test value does not exceed 4.0%. The results of the joint simulation are correct and reliable.
Key words:  Turbined based combined cycle engine  Fuel system  Flow and heat transfer  Coupling simulation  Secondary development