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沈阳航空航天大学 航空发动机学院 辽宁省航空推进系统先进测试技术重点实验室,辽宁 沈阳 110136
关键词:  中介轴承  时变位移激励  多点故障  动力学模型  特征参数
Dynamic Modeling and Simulation Analysis of Inter-Shaft Bearing with Multi-Point Faults
TIAN Jing, LIU Li-li, ZHANG Feng-ling, WANG Zhi, AI Yan-ting
Key Laboratory of Advanced Measurement and Test Technique for Aviation Propulsion System,Liaoning Province, School of Aero-Engine,Shenyang Aerospace University,Shenyang 110136,China
In view of the shortcoming that the theory of inter-shaft bearing fault is not perfect, especially the mechanism of multi-point faults of inter -shaft bearing is unclear, based on the nonlinear Hertz contact theory, the time-varying displacement excitation function is used to describe the simultaneous faults in the inner and outer rings of the inter-shaft bearing, and a 4 degrees of freedom dynamic model of the inter-shaft bearing multi-point faults is established. An inter-shaft bearing fault test bench is built to simulate the multi-point faults of the inter-shaft bearing. By comparing the experimental data with the dynamic numerical simulation results, it is found that the error between the simulation results and the experimental results of fault characteristic frequency is less than 1%, which verifies the validity of the dynamic model. Based on the model, the effects of defect width, radial load and speed ratio on characteristic parameters of typical faults are analyzed. The results show that with the increase of defect width, radial load and speed ratio, both the peak value and the root mean square value tend to increase, but the kurtosis factor changes in a complicated way. When the bearing is in fault mode, the kurtosis factor is always larger than 3, while the waveform factor is not sensitive to the fault.
Key words:  Inter-shaft bearing  Time-varying displacement excitation  Multi-point faults  Dynamic model  Characteristic parameters